Healing, Wisdom & Guidance Awaits You!
Click on each online course below to see more information.
21 Hours of Prosperity Healings
Pro$perou$ You Program
6 Modules Recorded from a 2 Day Workshop
Highly Perceptive People
7 Hours to develop your intuition
Developing Your 3rd Eye
14 Hours of Healing for the Physical Body
Health & Vitality
3 Hour Masterclass for Physical Healing
Health 2.0
2 Day Workshop
Path to Radiance
9 Weeks of 1.5 hour classes to rewire your Subconscious Mind
Brain Power
4.5 Hours for Healing Sexual blocks & bringing in spirituality
Spiritual & Sexy
4 Online Classes + 2 one-on-one healings for you.
Up-Level Yourself
1 Day Workshop
Life on Purpose
3 classes: Day 1: Time Space, Day 2: Money, Day 3: Health
Your Peace Place
1 Day Workshop
Love, Health & Home
15 Weeks of 30 minute healings
Food Freedom Journey
7 hours of content
Insight: Discover Your 9 Blocks to Success, Health & Spirituality
12 Videos that are 10-15 minutes each
Freedom through Forgiveness, Healing & Completion
9 Classes that are 75-90 min each
I Am Safe Series