Manifest Your Life with Ease and join

The Highly Perceptive Online Program

Do you feel UNSAFE?

Does OVERWHELM take you out?

Are you SOAKING UP the negativity of the world?

Do you want to IMPROVE your health, relationships and bank account?

Experience the Highly Perceptive People Workshop

as if you are here with me “live and in-person.

Whether you are Empathic and Intuitive… don’t think you are, but feel overwhelmed, guarded, drained, and perhaps can’t stop taking things personally… or you want to develop deeper trust, clarity and greater intuition, the Highly Perceptive People Immersion Program
will help you manifest a profound new level of freedom in your life!

Receive online training, in a 2 Day recorded workshop, healing from Tiffany,

and much more.

Harness your genius, while honoring your boundaries.


6 Weekly Video Modules

Your Key Benefits!

  • Receiving Magnet: Releasing subconscious guards, walls, shields, and blocks affecting connection and the ability to receive even more love, money, blessings and good things in your life.

  • Healing: Deep healing of old wounds, beliefs & traumas blocking you from standing in your power and manifesting the life that you want.

  • Empowerment: Being more present and available inside your body and increase your sense of self so that you can BE who are meant to be.

  • Trust: Increasing intuition and confidently taking action on your insights.

    Boundaries: Have more awareness and stop taking on other people’s energies because you have developed better boundaries.

Learn how to tap into your innate ability to listen to your intuition.

Join The Highly Perceptive Online Course

Pay Only $897

You also receive a FREE Buddy Pass for a loved one or friend.

The Highly Perceptive Online Course

Experience the Highly Perceptive People Workshop as if you are here with me “live and in-person. This program is designed to allow you to discover each topic so you complete the course embodying what you learn with ease. Tiffany will teach you a topic, you will do a kinesthetic exercise, and then receive healing. You repeat this process over and over again as you peel away the layers of the onion. This is a beautiful process to heal deep core wounds while you powerfully and simply gain new knowledge and skills. Several students have said that they are still using what they learned in HPP 3-5 years later! That is the power of getting these teachings in your body, psyche and Soul!

Highly Perceptive People Online Course (6 Modules)

Module 1 - Discovering Your Sense of Self to Create the Life You Desire

You will discover:

Safety is an inside job

Being Responsible for Your Own Energy

Empathy- how to Honor Yourself and Others

Learn about the Different Types of Spaces that you have

A powerful exercise to allow you to transform your experience of stress

Module 2 - Returning to Lightness and Play- Healing Your Inner Child

In this module, we will experience deep healing for Your Inner Child and you will discover simple and easy to apply exercises you can bring home with you to:

Release the 8 Types of Toxic Patterns in Parent-Child Relationships

Heal YourselfHave healthier more loving relationships with the people in your life

Bring awareness to your Money Space to improve your cash flow

Module 3 - O Peace, Where Art Thou?

We will do exercises to help you welcome and be with a variety of energies and emotions. This will allow you to:

Easily empty as you bring awareness to things that no longer serve you

Discover the quality of Passive Aggression and Anger then peacefully let it go to leave you free

Receive deep healing for Anger

Practice Forgiveness to cause peace, harmony, and communication where there has been a lack of these qualities in the past

Receive healing for Your “Victim”

Embody Divine Power causing connection with who you are on a Soul level

Module 4 - Yes! I Am Ready to Manifest the Life of My Dreams


Being more peaceful and grounded

Letting go of Anger and Negativity at even deeper levels by Healing Core Wounds

Welcoming Your Emotions

Dropping shields, guards and walls and creating healthy, appropriate, clear and crisp boundaries

Intimacy, Connection with people & a healthier relationship with Money

Module 5 - Deepening, Developing and Trusting Your Intuition

Learn how to tap into your innate ability to listen to your intuition. Learn how to discern your intuition and then to confidently take action:

Releasing Shame and Guilt so you can Better at Receiving

Learn how to Healthily Hold Emotions in Your Space- Building Your Terrarium

The Benefits of Higher and Lower Intuition

Receive a Blessing to Enhance Your Intuition

Module 6 - Advanced Application of What You Have Discovered


How can you Better Deal with Pushy People?

Being More Present In Your Body

Healing to release Unworthiness about Money

Controlling the On/Off Button for your intuition

Here’s more about The Highly Perceptive People Online Course

Module 1

Discovering Your Sense of Self to Create the Life You Desire

In this first module, we will learn foundational concepts that allow you to transform the quality of your life. You will love the discovery, in your body, how the spaces in your life feel.

What is space? Space is intangible. Space can contain qualities. Around space are boundaries that keep the essence, energies, and qualities in a space, as well as keep things out of that space. There are many different types of space: Spiritual, Mental, Emotional, Physical, and Money to name a few.

Each one of these contains a particular type of essence. As you discover how your spaces feel in your body, you are taught simple and powerful ways to have the quality of space you desire.

It is like fertilizing the soil where you grow you prized heirloom tomatoes or sloughing off decades worth of old paint before staining a heritage piece of furniture. This work allows you to choose and create how you desire to feel in life rather than have your environment or circumstances dictate that.

The more healing happens, the safer you’ll feel. When things come up (because we’re going into emotions!), turn towards it. When we hide, run away, or deflect it, it Is magnified. We begin looking at how to honor yourself and others as we become more attuned to ourselves.

You will discover:

  • Safety is an inside job

  • Being Responsible for Your Own Energy

  • Empathy- how to Honor Yourself and Others

  • Learn about the Different Types of Spaces that you have

  • A powerful exercise to allow you to transform your experience of stress

Module 2

Returning to Lightness and Play- Healing Your Inner Child

Do you remember the pure bliss of skipping in the park, splashing in puddles, and the innocence of the pure love you were as a child? Every day you woke with sheer enthusiasm with the joy you knew the day would bring. Now that may be a distant memory…

How can we restore that? We can bring deep healing to core wounds our inner child experienced. In this module, we look at our “Inner Child” (a term used in Psychology to describe a subconscious part of ourself from early childhood up until puberty). This Inner Child collects data like stories, wounds, hurts, upsets, traumas, and misunderstandings. Based on our early life experiences, our Inner Child helps to shape our constitution and sense of self.

It doesn’t take much to make a negative imprint on our inner child. Even something minor like a raised voice from an adult or a scowling look can leave a mark and create an entire belief system. And if there was any moderate to severe trauma, it can create even stronger negative beliefs and stories that can ripple out for decades.

In this module, we will experience deep healing for Your Inner Child and you will discover simple and easy to apply exercises you can bring home with you to:

Release the 8 Types of Toxic Patterns in Parent-Child Relationships

Heal Yourself

Have healthier more loving relationships with the people in your life

Bring awareness to your Money Space to improve your cash flow

Module 3

O Peace, Where Art Thou?

Do you notice that the emotions and judgments that you have about others are often the same types of judgments about yourself, and also the same emotions that you struggle to be with the inside of yourself? Are you tired of getting drained by the way anger zaps your energy and vitality?

And despite how you “know” this is “bad” you just don’t know how to forgive? Or perhaps you have already done lots of work bringing forgiveness to certain situations and people, but you just know you are stuck. You long to let go but don’t think you could go deeper into peace, healing, forgiveness, acceptance, kindness, and love?

We will do exercises to help you welcome and be with a variety of energies and emotions. This will allow you to:

Easily empty as you bring awareness to things that no longer serve you

Discover the quality of Passive Aggression and Anger then peacefully let it go to leave you free

Receive deep healing for AngerPractice Forgiveness to cause peace, harmony, and communication where there has been a lack of these qualities in the past

Receive healing for Your “Victim”

Embody Divine Power causing connection with who you are on a Soul level

Module 4

Yes! I Am Ready to Manifest the Life of My Dreams

Are you ready to have greater ease and power with manifesting your heart’s desire? Learn how to purify and hold your space well and to give your manifestation a huge boost!

Do you know that there is a difference between a Boundary, an Energetic Shield, and a subconscious Guard? I bet you haven’t thought much about it, but once you learn more and start being aware, you will realize that these walls have blocked you from some really great things in life. When shields, walls, and guards are up, it makes it hard to receive love, money, and joy.


Being more peaceful and grounded

Letting go of Anger and Negativity at even deeper levels by Healing Core Wounds

Welcoming Your Emotions

Dropping shields, guards and walls and creating healthy, appropriate, clear and crisp boundaries

Intimacy, Connection with people & a healthier relationship with money

Learn how to tap into your innate ability to listen to your intuition. Learn how to discern your intuition and then to confidently take action:

Releasing Shame and Guilt so you can Better at Receiving

Learn how to Healthily Hold Emotions in Your Space- Building Your Terrarium

The Benefits of Higher and Lower Intuition

Receive a Blessing to Enhance Your Intuition

Module 5

Deepening, Developing and Trusting Your Intuition

Learn how to discern between your lower and higher intuition then receive a blessing to enhance your intuition. Lower intuition is like a gut feeling and is generated more from our instincts. This level of intuition is the first type to develop in people. The drawback to lower intuition is that is from the solar plexus area, which is the chakra that stores a lot of our fear, stress, worry and anxiety. So this chakra is not as “clean” for more many people.

Therefore, sometimes, the information that we receive from lower intuition, can be tainted or only partially accurate. This is what causes confusion and doubt for many people.

Higher intuition comes from the Divine, down your spiritual cord, crown chakra and clairvoyant faculties. It is more subtle and refined. I feel that there is more accuracy with higher intuition. The one drawback is that it may not appear as “loud” as the “gut feeling” from the lower intuition. It requires a more developed inner ear to hear the whispers from our soul.

Module 6

Advanced Application of What You Have Discovered

This is what you have been waiting for! Learn how to deal with pushy people without violating who you are and being avoidant, withdrawn, nasty or prickly.

We apply more advanced applications of space holding including how to better deal with pushy people and using your on/ off button to give yourself control over the times you want to use your intuition.


How can you Better Deal with Pushy People?

Being More Present In Your Body

Healing to release Unworthiness about Money

Controlling the On/Off Button for your intuition

Imagine who you would be, and the impact this would have on your family, friends and work if you could have healthier, more appropriate boundaries in all areas of life. How would your life look if you manifested what you wanted with ease and grace? What new ventures or journeys would you embark upon if you no longer needed to avoid certain circumstances, people and environments?

Hear the Experience of Other Highly Perceptive People

My husband and daughter took this workshop last year. I can’t stop raving about the changes I’ve seen in them! The guy I fell in love with is now consistently there for me – much less affected by everything going on.

Alison Armstrong &

This program is one of the most profoundly useful programs I have ever participated in. I find it effortless to be myself in circumstances that used to diminish or take me out entirely. If you like being yourself, this is the place to be. Just sign up.

Greg Lewis

This workshop was transformational for me. I came into it feeling trapped in a self-made shell of protection from prolonged exposure to others’ emotional energies. Tiffany provided insight and a loving, safe environment in which they shared tools that I could use to release fear and learn to embody my own energetic space. The workshop more than met my expectations. I left with a feeling of hope and possibility that my empathy can be a source of strength to myself as well as to others.

Karen Z

Wow, what an amazing workshop!!! I’ve experienced both Tiffany’s and Michele’s talents individually and had the opportunity to experience them together this past weekend in their workshop which was absolutely exceptional! I felt an incredible shift of healing which was fascinating since it happened so quickly and easily. I literally discovered the impact of my own energy, how it felt and how it affected people around me. I was able to experience and recognize this for the first time in my life!!! The tools they taught were exactly what I had been looking for and it was done a loving, safe and unconditional environment. An amazing class and I can’t wait for the advanced class next year!!!


I came to the Highly Perceptive People weekend worn out, run down, fighting illness, and felt little joy or passion in my life. A classic case of overwhelm. After participating in the HPP workshop and receiving all the wonderful teachings and healings from Tiffany, I feel like I have a whole new outlook on life! I feel reset, rejuvenated and look forward to re-entering my life with confidence. I have confidence because I will hold clear, strong, healthy, firm, appropriate boundaries! I will allow into my space juicy goodness and not be available for anything less. I can’t thank Tiffany enough!"


Just spent the most AMAZING weekend (at the Highly Perceptive People workshop). I walked out of there with new tools for release, healing and growth; a newfound sense of my space and my birthright to take up more space; the experience of being seen, heard and known; and a new clarity around who I am and my true purpose in this life! What an incredible gift…I am so supremely grateful — thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!!

Laura T

Give yourself more tools to be more powerful!


Even if you don’t believe you are an Empath or super sensitive, This would be great for any person in the world that works with other people.


Learn how to tap into your innate ability to listen to your intuition.

Join The Highly Perceptive Online Course

Pay Only $897

Receive a FREE Buddy Pass for your loved one or friend.

Deeply Trust Yourself and be the Empowered Empath you are meant to be!