Be Your Most Loving, Joy-Filled Self.
Awaken Your Possibilities of greater PROSPERITY, more Loving PARTNERSHIPS and Vibrant HEALTH.
Discover Your Path to FREEDOM from your past, and open up to an OM-Mazing Way of Being.
Get out of the FOG and Despair.
Your SPARK of Motivation so that you can HEAR your Inner INTUITIVE Voice.
Arouse your CREATIVE Mojo.
New Neuropathways for SUCCESS.
Your ZEST for Life!
Allow WISDOM to Guide your on the Best Path Possible.
Go from "I Wish" to "I AM / I HAVE."
Own Your POWER with healthy SELF-CONFIDENCE.
Envision, Create & MANIFEST with Ease.
Let your SOUL SHINE and attract heart centered, like-minded fulfilling people.
Meet and ALIGN with Your Soul Self.
"Live" via Zoom on March 21st - 23rd (Friday - Sunday)
March 21st at 1pm-6pm PT / 4pm - 9pm ET
March 22nd & 23rd at 9:30am - 5:30pm PT / 12:30pm - 8:30pm ET
Healing that will have you feeling even more LOVED, SEEN, HEARD & UNDERSTOOD!
Belonging and acceptance amongst YOUR TRIBE of kindred spirits.
Uncovering & revealing yourself, while taking down the conscious & subconscious guards and being able to feel SAFE.
Increase access to LOVE, PEACE & ACCEPTANCE of yourself & others.
The ability to stop being TRIGGERED by other people and recover much faster.
Learn how to consistently TRUST your INTUITION.
Highly Perceptive People Academy
BONUS: You will receive 2 coaching sessions from 1 of these lovely ladies below. Valued at $199.
Gina Mastro
As a former educator and lifelong learner, I understand that
we are always learning and growing, and I pride myself in being an education
advocate. Educators, students, musicians, caregivers, and those healing from divorce
hire me to so that you can more easily recognize why you are being triggered
and release it at the root, heal your heart and mind, and create greater
self-empowerment. In your sessions, you will feel safe to release your blocks
to success and abundance, and increase self-confidence, reclaim your zest for
life. This will allow you to make more money, develop a clearer life purpose,
feel more fulfilled in your career and relationships.
June Karengeannes
Many people who are not content with how their life
currently is, and are ready go to the next level personally and professionally,
hire me to navigate career challenges, discover solutions to conflicts in
relationships, and solve issues with a lack of time, energy, money, and
support. I help you identify and release emotional blocks, embrace your unique
gifts and strengths, and tune into your heart’s wisdom. This will allow you to
approach your life challenges with more emotional balance, compassion, clarity,
and personal confidence. You will be better equipped to create even more
happiness, love, freedom, and abundance in different aspects of your life.
Penny Schmicker
As a childbirth educator, labor & delivery nurse, and
nurse midwife for nearly 30 years, I enjoyed accompanying women and their
families through the life changing events of pregnancy, childbirth and
parenting a newborn.
Now I delight in being an energy practitioner and use a
combination of intuition, coaching, several forms of energy healing and
certification through Tiffany Cano, CEO of Highly Perceptive People Academy,
with clients. These tools allow me to help you so that you can go deep, heal your
hearts, release old traumas, family patterns of behavior, limiting beliefs and
blocks so that you may feel happier, empowered, healthier and more aligned with
their divine purpose. I love to support you as you re-find your creative life
and spiritual purposes, so that you can more easily move forward in life with
greater: optimism, hope, abundance, peace, joy, and authenticity. Are you ready
for your healing journey?
You will benefit the most from attending this experiential kinesthetic workshop "Live" via Zoom. You will want to be present for all the healing opportunities, insights, fun & breakthroughs!
The course will be recorded and you may purchase the recording for an additional $149. It's included in the VIP package.
Friday - Sunday, Friday will be from 1:00pm to 6:00pm Pacific time
while Saturday and Sunday will be from 9:30am to approximately 5:30pm Pacific Time.
Lunch will be approximately at 12:15pm-1pm Pacific Time.
Your lunch, breaks and ending times will vary depending on where we are at in the various transformation processes.
*You will want to actively participate "live" in the experiential healing opportunities, insights, fun & breakthroughs!
I'll even gift you a 50% Off Coupon to give to your friends and loved ones to join you in the journey. Check your inbox after you register for this fun bonus.
"I'm too busy."
"Life is so overwhelming, I can't keep up."
"I wish I felt more fulfilled."
"I want a stronger spiritual connection."
"I want more money for __(retirement/savings/vacations)__."
"I get so triggered over the smallest things."