A Series of 10-15 Minute

Mini & Mighty Prosperity Gems

Bite size golden nuggets to provide you with Financial TLC.

Give yourself this GIFT during the holiday season!

  • Daily prayers and healing.

  • Releasing negative sub-conscious beliefs blocking money!

  • Developing a healthier prosperity consciousness.

  • Removing barriers and allowing for new opportunities.

  • Receiving new and unexpected sources of cash.

  • Be open and receptive to the miraculous prosperity ble$$ing$!

What Awaits You:

Daily Doses of Prosperity: Immerse yourself in 10 minute daily sessions, each a treasure trove of wisdom and practical guidance, designed to uplift your financial consciousness.

Heal Your Money Story: Engage in profound healing practices to release deep-seated negative beliefs about money, paving the way for a healthier, more prosperous mindset.

Unlock New Opportunities: Learn to dismantle the barriers that have been holding you back, opening your heart and mind to new and unexpected sources of wealth.

Receive Your 15 Prosperity Healings Now by signing up below!

Valued at $1,225

*I'm giving you this incredibly special discounted price as a gift to you!

Super Incredible Deal!

Blindspot Healer and CEO of Highly Perceptive People Academy

Tiffany Cano

Many empathic, sensitive and spiritual souls hire me to help them discover their blindspots and heal their deep core wounds because most are subconsciously guarded, overwhelmed, soak up other people’s negativity which negatively effects their health, finances and relationships.

So I help you to be more clear and trust your intuition, feel safe to take confident and empowered action and own your sense of Self.

Bottom line, I get you aligned and congruent so that you feel more loved, seen, heard, understood and like you belong!

Financial TLC for You!

Valued at $1,225

*I'm giving you this incredibly special discounted price as a holiday gift to you!