Love, Money, Health, Spirituality?
You will love how your goals and dreams are being fulfilled in the Embodiment Program with blessings, ease and flow.
How would more alignment impact your life?
♥ Weekly Group Healing, Teaching & Coaching via Zoom: Wednesdays at 5:30pm-6:45pm PT. Tiffany and her coaches will customize the class to help support you, such as teach a topic, do a group healing, answer questions and take requests for healing and coaching. (Valued at $4,900)
♥ Every 2-3 months, Tiffany will customize empowering and healing workshops via zoom. All recordings are available. (Valued at $3,988)
10 Healing sessions to help you to feel deeply safe to be loved, seen, heard, belong and worthy. Also releasing of Freeze, Fawn, Fight and Flight trauma responses. This is a CORE foundation healing series I wish everyone on the planet had access to. (Valued at $1997)
♥ Upon completion of the onboarding process, you will receive TWO monthly coaching sessions by Tiffany's Certified Coaches and Facilitators. (Valued at $2,700)
Participate in a fun way to embody empowering qualities and activities that can up-level your life. This is great for personal accountability. And you accumulate points and WIN up to $12k in prizes- which boosts the reticular activator in your brain to want to do even more successful activities to improve your life. (Valued at $12,000)
♥ Build fulfilling & meaningful friendships with our like-minded community of kind, loving, generous, souls. Valued $997
♥ Recorded from a 1 day workshop. (Valued at $497)
7 healings to help you trust others, trust yourself and trust the Divine. (Valued at $997)
9 Healings to help you feel worthy and deserving in every area of your life ($1497)
♥ ♥ ♥ THREE one-on-one “Welcome and Onboarding Calls” with Tiffany to provide a solid foundation for success. (Valued at $500)
♥ Weekly Group Healing, Teaching & Coaching via Zoom: Wednesdays at 5:30pm-6:45pm PT. Tiffany and her coaches will customize the class to help support you, such as teach a topic, do a group healing, answer questions and take requests for healing and coaching. (Valued at $4,900)
♥ Every 2-3 months, Tiffany will customize empowering and healing workshops via zoom. All recordings are available. (Valued at $3,988)
10 Healing sessions to help you to feel deeply safe to be loved, seen, heard, belong and worthy. Also releasing of Freeze, Fawn, Fight and Flight trauma responses. This is a CORE foundation healing series I wish everyone on the planet had access to. (Valued at $1997)
♥ You will receive TWO monthly coaching sessions by Tiffany's Certified Coaches and Facilitators. (Valued at $2,700)
♥ Build fulfilling & meaningful friendships with our like-minded community of kind, loving, generous, souls.
Participate in a fun way to embody empowering qualities and activities that can up-level your life. This is great for personal accountability. And you accumulate points and WIN up to $12k in prizes- which boosts the reticular activator in your brain to want to do even more successful activities to improve your life. (Valued at $12,000)
♥ Upon completion of the onboarding process, you will receive TWO monthly 60 MINUTE coaching and healing sessions with Tiffany. (Valued at $5,400)
♥ You will receive a VIP half day Session with Tiffany. You may participate over zoom or in person in Huntington Beach, CA. (Valued at $2,997)
♥ Recorded from a 1 day workshop. (Valued at $497)
♥ 21 Unique Prosperity Healings to help you boost your prosperity and abundance. Valued at $1997.
7 healings to help you trust others, trust yourself and trust the Divine. (Valued at $997)
9 Healings to help you feel worthy and deserving in every area of your life ($1497)
♥ ♥ ♥ THREE one-on-one “Welcome and Onboarding Calls” with Tiffany to provide a solid foundation for success. (Valued at $500)
♥ Weekly Group Healing, Teaching & Coaching via Zoom: Wednesdays at 5:30pm-6:45pm PT. Tiffany and her coaches will customize the class to help support you, such as teach a topic, do a group healing, answer questions and take requests for healing and coaching. (Valued at $4,900)
♥ Every 2-3 months, Tiffany will customize empowering and healing workshops via zoom. All recordings are available. (Valued at $3,988)
10 Healing sessions to help you to feel deeply safe to be loved, seen, heard, belong and worthy. Also releasing of Freeze, Fawn, Fight and Flight trauma responses. This is a CORE foundation healing series I wish everyone on the planet had access to. (Valued at $1997)
♥ Upon completion of the onboarding process, you will receive TWO monthly coaching sessions by Tiffany's Certified Coaches and Facilitators. (Valued at $2,700)
♥ Build fulfilling & meaningful friendships with our like-minded community of kind, loving, generous, souls.
***Mastery & Certification
♥ Year long training with Tiffany & her Team to learn how to facilitate aspects of her body of work. You will learn how to teach topics, facilitate the Quantum Empowerment Technique to help people release old wounds & limiting beliefs, and learn how to Coach. Feel internally congruent, confident, clear and solid as you launch or grow your coaching business. When there are openings, you may be invited to work on Tiffany's Team of Coaches & Healers. (Valued at $15,000)
♥ You will receive TWO monthly 60 MINUTE coaching and healing sessions with Tiffany. (Valued at $20,400)
♥ You will receive a VIP half day Session with Tiffany. You may participate over zoom or in person in Huntington Beach, CA. (Valued at $2,997)
Participate in a fun way to embody empowering qualities and activities that can up-level your life. This is great for personal accountability. And you accumulate points and WIN up to $12k in prizes- which boosts the reticular activator in your brain to want to do even more successful activities to improve your life. (Valued at $12,000)
♥ Recorded from a 1 day workshop. (Valued at $497)
♥ 21 Unique Prosperity Healings to help you boost your prosperity and abundance. Valued at $1997.
7 healings to help you trust others, trust yourself and trust the Divine. (Valued at $997)
9 Healings to help you feel worthy and deserving in every area of your life ($1497)
♥ A 7 Week series with a different topic and focus each week to help you cultivate your intuition & clairvoyance. (Valued at $597)
♥ 14 hour long Healing videos to focus on a different body functions for deeper healing and regeneration. (Valued at $1497)
♥ I also give discounts on new programs, healing packages and offerings to my Mastery & Certification students. (Priceless)
♥ ♥ ♥ THREE one-on-one “Welcome and Onboarding Calls” with Tiffany to provide a solid foundation for success. (Valued at $500)
*Only $4,997
*Only $9,997
*Only $19,997
As a childbirth educator, labor & delivery nurse, and nurse midwife for nearly 30 years, I enjoyed accompanying women and their families through the life changing events of pregnancy, childbirth and parenting a newborn.
Now I delight in being an energy practitioner and use a
combination of intuition, coaching, several forms of energy healing and certification through Tiffany Cano, CEO of Highly Perceptive People Academy, with clients. These tools allow me to help you so that you can go deep, heal your hearts, release old traumas, family patterns of behavior, limiting beliefs and blocks so that you may feel happier, empowered, healthier and more aligned with their divine purpose. I love to support you as you re-find your creative life and spiritual purposes, so that you can more easily move forward in life with greater: optimism, hope, abundance, peace, joy, and authenticity. Are you ready for your healing journey?
June Karengeannes
Many people who are not content with how their life currently is, and are ready go to the next level personally and professionally, hire me to navigate career challenges, discover solutions to conflicts in relationships, and solve issues with a lack of time, energy, money, and support. I help you identify and release emotional blocks, embrace your unique gifts and strengths, and tune into your heart’s wisdom. This will allow you to approach your life challenges with more emotional balance, compassion, clarity, and personal confidence. You will be better equipped to create even more happiness, love, freedom, and abundance in different aspects of your life.
Gina Mastro
As a former educator and lifelong learner, I understand that
we are always learning and growing, and I pride myself in being an education advocate. Educators, students, musicians, caregivers, and those healing from divorce hire me to so that you can more easily recognize why you are being triggered and release it at the root, heal your heart and mind, and create greater self-empowerment. In your sessions, you will feel safe to release your blocks to success and abundance, and increase self-confidence, reclaim your zest for life. This will allow you to make more money, develop a clearer life purpose, feel more fulfilled in your career and relationships.
Tiffany Cano
I am the Healer of Healers and Transformational Workshop Leaders. I’ve been getting paid for healing since I was 8 years old and have many been trained in many modalities. I can clairvoyantly see what’s in your blind spot, right next to your brilliance, that is blocking you from manifesting greater wealth, health & happier relationships. My mission is to help you shift, get unstuck and change your life physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually and financially. I facilitate energy healing and clairvoyant readings for individuals and groups over the telephone. I love working with people who are ready to partner in their healing process. Energy healing is a tool that can clear the body’s interference and allow for deeper health and well-being, in addition to manifesting your wishes and goals.