Enjoy these Soothing, Healing Guided Meditations

Have you experienced various hurt and pain from people or events in your life? Are you also aware that many of these old painful emotions can get stuck in your body and potentially cause physical and emotional health issues? It may be challenging to experience inner peace unless you have allowed yourself to fully let go of anger, resentment or whatever negative emotions are stored in your body. This guided meditation will help to facilitate that for you at a deep level so you can have freedom, peace and inner healing. $24

Reclaim Your Inner Strength and Your Sense of Self

An Infusion of Spiritual Strength to gracefully help you with Life's ChallengesShift out of powerlessness and despair into hope, faith, trust and strength to conquer any challenge in your life!Heal and replenish your energy and strength.Receive Clarity, Wisdom and Insight to make confident choices. Own strong, firm, healthy boundaries while remaining in your heart. $24

What if You truly felt Loved, Seen, Heard, Understood and like you Belong from Conception until Now… how different would your life be? When I offer healing sessions and clairvoyant readings to see what is blocking you from greater love, money and health, I follow the thread back to it’s originating source. Nearly 100% of the time, it stems from a deeper core wound of not feeling loved, seen, heard, understood, safe or like you belong. Often times these originating sources happen very very early in our childhood, and sometimes even when we are in the womb. $49

Are boundaries important to you and something that you want to be better at? Become more aware of the space around you and learn to create stronger boundaries spiritually, mentally, emotionally & physically. Be neutral, less triggered, more respected, and peaceful. $24

I will guide your mind to learn to be more peaceful, still and calm. You will use a simple meditation and breathing technique to release the monkey mind chatter and open up to inner peace. This can help you sleep better, recieve intuition & be internally quiet. $24

This is a very simple guided meditation to help you to start getting more internally quiet, peaceful. Learn to be comfortable in the "gap," so that you can bring this skill into other areas of your life. You will also have an opportunity to embody some of your soul qualities. Let yourself open to even more intuitive messages. $24

Tiffany provides useful tips and suggestions that will facilitate a better and easier dialogue with your furry 4-legged member of the family. $24

Have you ever felt helpless when you’ve heard bad news about the health of your furry or feathery member of the family? That is understandable. The important thing is that you can do something positive to help your pet. $24

Guided meditation for stress reduction and healing your body. Release tension from head to toe. Open up to healing energies to flow into every cell in your body. $47

55 Minute Guided Meditation with Relaxation to open up your receptivity to Prosperity and Abundance. Deeply relax, releasing fear, tension and money worries. Then bring in prosperity energies, money mantras and a more abundant mindset. $47

What if you can upgrade your wishes in a way that can help you manifest them easier? When you get in attunement with God’s Wish, it is often much BETTER than our own. This meditation is about surrendering to God’s Wish for every area of your life, personally and professionally. $24

The Pro$perity Meditation is meant to boost your entire life through healing, prayers, positive affirmations, visualizations and creating a prosperous life. Imagine how amazing your life could be if you focus on what you DO want and start manifesting it with ease. Create a new, healthy, permanent habit. Invest in yourself and your future by spending a short amount of time to significantly expand your wallet! $24

Confident & Successful Public Speaking guided meditation is an excellent way to prep for your speaking engagements. It will help you be calm, strong and boost your self esteem. $39

Group Healings (Teleclass Recordings)

Each class has 3 or more recordings that are 75 minute each. I often taught 3 classes in each series, all is the same week. It's ideal to listen to multiple sessions within a week.

I’m really excited for the healing and insights that you will be receiving! It is a safe space to release negative self body image, old wounds/stories/beliefs that no longer serve you, and also receive an energetic face lift. Please participate fully and do your best to shift into a really receptive space so the healing can go really deep. Each session will be a combination of prayers, healing, guided visualizations, insights and coaching.

For maximum benefit, listen to a recording 3-6 days in a row. $297

The Brain Regeneration Course is meant to give your brain and body a “tune-up.” You will receive a detailed energy healing for your brain. It has helped people with physical disabilities, sleep disorders, learning disorders and mental illness, as well as those individuals who need help regaining clarity, focus, memory and feeling positive. $197

Acknowledge, forgive, release & heal the old stories, beliefs, traumas & hurts that have been defining your life and keeping you blocked from love, health, money & happiness. We all have light and dark within us. These energies are neither good nor bad. They just are. When I look as a medical intuitive, I can see where these energies are in the body and how it’s affecting people physically & psychologically. When you get triggered or upset about something that someone else said or did to you, it means that you have a wound inside of you that is unresolved and needs healing. Once the original trauma/event is healed, we are released from it and it no longer has power over us. $297

Often the biggest blocks to financial success, loving partnerships and health stems from mild events that may have happened to you as a kid. This is why I decided to offer a group healing that specifically addresses this problem. It can be the tiniest of things that can happen (such as a scowling look, raised voice or negative statement) that leaves an imprint on your young mind that then has you create beliefs and stories that shape your adulthood. I can intuitively tune in to guide you in how to release them and then empower you to create the life of your dreams! Let's heal and transmute the subconscious and conscious beliefs that are blocking you from more love, money & better health! $297

Feeling worthy, deserving and owning your value is important to have a good quality of life.

Day 1 will focus on Owning Your Value in Relationships, Day 2 focuses on the work place environment, and Day 3 is a bonus to help you if you're an entrepreneur. You will gain the most out of it while sitting or laying down, getting into a nice meditative and receptive space for your healing. Then allow your heart, mind, body and Soul to open up for healing. $297