Coaches, Healers & Entrepreneurs...

Turning Your Vision Into $ucce$$

Unlock your entrepreneurial potential with "The Alignment Formula: Success Strategies for Empathic Entrepreneurs." Designed specifically for empathic healers, coaches and entrepreneurs, this transformative workshop offers you the tools and insights needed to align your personal values with your business goals, creating a harmonious and prosperous business environment.

Get your Inner Alignment, so that when you go to do your daily activities to grow your business, you are confident, clear and accomplish your tasks with ease.

  • Feel safe to be seen, put yourself out there to thrive and be successful.

  • Implement practical steps for achieving and sustaining business alignment and success.

  • Releasing negative sub-conscious beliefs blocking money!

  • Developing a healthier prosperity consciousness.

  • Removing barriers and allowing for new opportunities.

  • Receiving new and unexpected sources of cash.

  • Be open and receptive to the miraculous prosperity ble$$ing$!

What Awaits You:

"The Alignment Formula" isn’t just a workshop; it’s an investment in a more fulfilled, aligned version of your entrepreneurial self. Sign up today and start transforming your business into a beacon of success and authenticity. Embrace your empathic qualities and lead your business to unprecedented heights!

Heal Your Money Story: Engage in profound healing practices to release deep-seated negative beliefs about money, paving the way for a healthier, more prosperous mindset.

Unlock New Opportunities: Learn to dismantle the barriers that have been holding you back, opening your heart and mind to new and unexpected sources of wealth.

July 13th, Saturday

"Live" Zoom

9am-5:30 PT / 12pm-8:30 ET

Super Incredible Deal!

BONUS: 15 Financial Abundance Boost Prosperity Healings Valued at $1,225

Be a Yes!

Total Value at $2,222

*I'm giving you this incredibly special discounted price as a gift to you!

It's ideal to participate "live" and the recording will also be provided.

Blindspot Healer and CEO of Highly Perceptive People Academy

Tiffany Cano

Tiffany has been getting paid for healing since she was 8 years old. Many empaths, intuitives, transformational workshop leaders and coaches hire her to help them see and heal their blinds pots, be better at holding space and boundaries because most are overwhelmed, subconsciously guarded, take things personally and contract when feeling fear and negativity. So she helps them be more clear and trust their intuition, feel safe to take confident and empowered action and own your sense of Self.

In essence, Tiffany gets you even more aligned and congruent so that you can be even better at receiving more money, love and joy!

Tiffany is also the creator of “Soul of An Empath” Podcast, the “Knowing You” Show, Embodiment Program: Conscious Creation, Love & Empowerment, and the Highly Perceptive People Online Program.

Financial TLC for You!

Valued at $2,222

*I'm giving you this incredibly special discounted price as a gift to you!